The LIST FIVE project

I'm a writer and need to write something every day or I get lazy. And by lazy I mean have a life. The LIST FIVE project is a way to prevent normalcy by forcing myself to sit at the computer daily (maybe) and spew five random thoughts--three good and two bad. The reason for the slightly slanted skew towards good thoughts is to remind myself I have more to be thankful for than to complain about.

Monday, May 19, 2014


The Good: 

1. Watermelon cupcakes. 

Betty Crocker Watermelon Cupcake Mix 15.25 oz
Target sells the mix and frosting (like I needed another reason to love Target). They are so good. And they're fun. Go get some. 

2. It's Spring. Finally! I left the bedroom window open last night and woke to the riotous good cheer of every bird on our planet. They are obviously clueless that they live in a technological black hole. 

3. It's day 12,593 of marriage to my guy and I still like him. A lot.


The Bad: 

1. Hot flashes, as in living-on-the-effing-sun hot. Enough already.

2. I'm out of wine. And ice cream. Good thing there's watermelon cupcakes. 

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