The LIST FIVE project

I'm a writer and need to write something every day or I get lazy. And by lazy I mean have a life. The LIST FIVE project is a way to prevent normalcy by forcing myself to sit at the computer daily (maybe) and spew five random thoughts--three good and two bad. The reason for the slightly slanted skew towards good thoughts is to remind myself I have more to be thankful for than to complain about.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


The Good:

1. I super love Wisconsin motorists! They still warn of lurking cops by blinking their headlights. You saved me today, whoever you are. Thank you, thank you!

Lady Gaga Thank You

2. Delta Rae. Have you heard their song If I Loved You? Well, I'm posting it. And you're welcome. :-)

3. I talked to Renee today. Anytime I talk to her it's a good thing. She's psychic but she doesn't own her powers all the way yet. She told me the dominant thought preceding my goals should be "for the good of the whole." 

The Bad: 

1. I'm not in a total "for the good of the whole" place today. I just want what I want and I want it like yesterday. Renee might have also said I was learning patience. 

2.The paint store clerk helping me had a major "plumber's crack" going on. 


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